Monday, February 20, 2012

Drew these monsters in bed last night. They turned out okay for the amount of time they took.

I keep saying next time I make something I'm going to try to shade it, or give it a shiny look. Here's the thing, I'm so used to my little characters being so simple I kind of don't like any undefined shadow. On top of that, I have a hard time figuring some of the more advanced (to me) Illustrator and Photoshop stuff out, not only because my brain is aging, but because my computer slows to crawl when I even try to rasterize an image. Maybe I'll give it another shot with these guys and re-post. 

Hanging out with some friends at Mud Pie. Put some gradient mesh on these guys. I'll get better at it if I keep playing with it, but I'm not crazy about the look.

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